What employers need to know about FBT 2021

What employers need to know about FBT 2021

On 31 March 2021, the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends. A fringe benefit is a ‘payment’ to an employee or an associate (an associate is someone related to you such as a spouse, child or even a friend), but in a different form to salary or wages. A benefit might be as simple as hosting a work Christmas party, providing car parking, using a work vehicle, or providing the goods or services of the business at a reduced rate to what the public pay.

We have outlined the key issues for employers this FBT year in the article FBT 2021: What you need to know. This article covers:

  • COVID-19 assistance and benefits
  • Motor vehicle problem areas
  • ATO ‘red flags’:
    • Where deductions claimed don’t match what is reported for FBT purposes
    • Mismatched FBT and income tax amounts
  • When business assets are used personally by owners and staff
  • Not lodging FBT returns
  • Salary sacrifice problem areas
  • Car parking under scrutiny
  • Housekeeping essentials

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