Asset Protection


Asset Protection

Minimising risk for you, your family and your business.

An area in which most people lack is asset protection. It can be complicated and may seem difficult, but ensuring that you’ve done it right is more than worth it. To protect yourself effectively, you need to have the right strategy in place, which includes:

  • business structure(s)
  • investment structure(s)
  • the right agreements (shareholders agreement, partnership agreement, buy/ sell agreement, etc), and
  • the right insurance(s) (business, income protection, trauma, TPD, life, etc).

Without these, you may be paying significantly more tax than necessary and/ or putting your personal assets, such as your family home, at risk.

Structure Review Session

You might have a hundred questions about different business structures, the pros and cons and what each would mean for you. In this session, we can answer everything. You’ll leave with the clarity to understand how you can use structures to grow your business, save on your tax bill and protect your assets. This session will provide you with:

  •  An understanding of how business structures protect your personal assets (family home, inheritances, car, etc.)
  •  An understanding of how alternate business structures impact the overall tax your family pays (and how we can legally minimise it)
  •  Our recommended business structure customised for your personal circumstances
  •  A written letter of advice to confirm our recommended structure and implementation plan.

What we cover:

These sessions don’t just skim the surface. We dig deep to understand exactly what your needs are so that the best advice can be handed your way. We will run through personal assets, investments, debt, existing entities, employment and business income.

These sessions are perfect for:

  • business owners
  • people considering a new business
  • those who want to learn more about their current structure and strategy
  • those who have no structure or strategy, and are seeking advice

What services do we cover under Asset Protection?

  • Optimal business structures for investing: property (commercial & residential), shares, managed funds and other
  • Best structure for operating your business for tax and asset protection
  • Buy/sell agreements
  • Shareholders agreements
  • Personal insurance (Life TPD income protection)
  • Business Insurance
  • Liquidations
  • Legal advice and strategy
  • Audit insurance

Want peace of mind?

Testimonial for Asset Protection

Imagine Accounting advised my company on structure and restructuring which provided us with greater asset protection and significant tax savings. They are an invaluable resource and adviser to my business.

Without Imagine Accounting’s advice and initiative I wouldn’t have known about the different options available to me. The business advise I received was practical and the service very professional.

Tax Accountant Chatswood
Justin Doobov
Managing Director - Intelligent Finance