JobMaker Hiring Credit and JobKeeper 2.0 Extension 2 Eligibility
The JobMaker Hiring Credit is an incentive for businesses to employ additional young job seekers aged 16–35 years. Eligible employers can access the JobMaker Hiring Credit for each eligible additional employee they hire between 7 October 2020 and 6 October 2021.
The hiring credit provides:
- $200 per week for new employees between 16 to 29 years of age; and
- $100 per week for new employees between 30 to 35 years of age.
The credit is paid quarterly in arrears from the start date of the employee for 12 months, assuming the business and employee remains eligible. Unlike JobKeeper, JobMaker can apply to new businesses and the business does not need to satisfy a decline in turnover test to receive payments.
To access JobMaker payments, you will need to:
- Determine if your business is eligible to receive JobMaker payments (see JobMaker Eligibility)
- Determine which, if any, employees are eligible (see Eligible Employees) and whether the higher or lower rate applies to them
- Ensure the business passes the ‘additionality test’. That is, total headcount and payroll have increased, not just that you have employed new employees. You will need to pass this test in every quarter you make a claim (see Calculating baseline headcount and payroll)
- Ensure eligible employees complete the JobMaker employee notice (see The JobMaker employee notification)
- Enrol for JobMaker with the ATO (see How to register for JobMaker)
- Establish the baseline payroll and headcount for your business (see Calculating baseline headcount and payroll)
- Ensure the claim is lodged by the end of the claim period (see Key JobMaker dates)
Key points:
Eligible employers:
- will be able to register with the ATO from 6 December 2020. See Registering for JobMaker Hiring Credit.
- can claim payments from the ATO in arrears from 1 February 2021. See JobMaker Hiring Credit key dates.
- can claim payments for eligible additional employees for up to 12 months from their employment start date.
- cannot claim JobKeeper and the JobMaker Hiring Credit at the same time.
For further information download the JobMaker Hiring Credit Guide
JobKeeper 2.0 extension 2
This extension period will run from 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021. You will need to show that your actual GST turnover has declined in the December 2020 quarter relative to a comparable period (generally the corresponding quarter in 2019). See the actual decline in turnover test.
Please be aware that you can be eligible for extension 2 even if you were not eligible for extension 1.
Thank you for your support in 2020
Our team are here to support you. Please reach out to your accountant if you have any questions. Our last day in the office will be Wednesday 23rd Dec and we will re-open on Thursday 7th Jan. For any urgent issues during this time please phone 0413 557 055. We wish you and your family a safe holiday period and we look forward to a prosperous 2021 for all!