6 Tips to Maximise the Impact of Your Time and Your Team

Maximise the Impact of Your Time and Your Team, 100% LIVE AND YOURS FREE!

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6 Tips to Maximise the Impact of Your Time and Your Team

As a business owner – your only limitations are your imagination and your time. And the only way to expand your time is by building a team.

When you first set out to build a team, you may find that it ends up costing you more time, rather than freeing time up for you. That it creates problems rather than solving them. And you may start to wonder why you bothered & if it is really worth it.

You’re not alone. Most business owners experience these challenges when first bringing a team on board. Some decide to throw it in the too-hard basket and burn themselves out trying to do it all themselves. Others spend years of trial and error learning the to-do’s and not-to-do’s of building a team, wasting heaps of time, money and opportunities in the process.

In this session, we’ll share the tools, frameworks and strategies you can apply to fast-track your journey from being too-busy & time-poor to being a productive leader with a high performing team.

What we’ll cover

  • Tools to better leverage your own time
  • When you should get started building your team
  • Deciding what tasks and activities to delegate
  • How to choose the right team members for you
  • Tactics to build a high performing team from day 1
  • Frameworks to help you manage and lead successfully

Who it’s for

  • Business owners who are thinking about hiring a team (or already have one)
  • Business owners who have too much to do and not enough time
  • Key team members responsible for a team and business success
Date: October 12, 2022
Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Location: Online

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Presented By

Frances Quinn

Athena Consulting

Frances Quinn is a corporate-world operations nerd turned productivity consultant. She spent 20+ years of her career climbing the corporate ladder with household brands like Telstra, Canon and Medicare, and 10 years helping small businesses increase their capacity to get more of the right stuff done so they can achieve their goals and dreams.